LT04 forklift control system

The intelligent forklift control system with great additional benefits
The LT04 control system is the logical further development of the LT03. Both systems are 100% compatible. LT03 systems can be retrofitted to LT04 systems.
The fundamental difference - LT04 can do more
With LT04 several stored instructions can be sent selectively to specific forklifts or group of forklifts from each forklift call point (e.g. refill stock, bring a pallet cage etc.). This prevents additional journeys!
With LT04 it is possible to prioritise individual commands (not all jobs are equally important)!
Special functions like e.g. open gate, can be stored with the forklift mobile point LT04.
The forklift mobile points LT04 can also be used to transmit information (like e.g. currently not available) for documentation purposes.
Design and features
The devices‘ aluminium die-cast housing have two buttons and a liquid crystal display. They are protected against the ingress of dust and water. Securifix LT04 allows you specify the exact requirement of forklift trucks at the call point. To do this, the left button of the call point was supplemented by a selection function or scroll function. By pressing the button several times, the liquid crystal display shows optionally configurable texts that are transmitted to the forklift fleet. In addition to the simple requisition message, information such as „bring the pallet cage” can thus be transmitted. In this way LT04 can save further empty trips and costs.Prioritising feature increases effectiveness
In addition, the forklift calls be prioritised with LT04. Jobs are not displayed on the forklifts‘ receiving units according to their chronological order but according to their urgency. With Securifix LT04 you can now order several forklifts at once. To do this the operator must simply press the call button several times.Differentiating vehicle types
Each unit has its own distinguishing identifier, so that acceptance of all calls can be unambiguously assigned to the call point. Individual call points can also be programmed in such a way so as not to reach every available forklift. This makes sense for example when call points only require specific types of forklift trucks. This may be related to load capacities or attachments that may be specially required.Great performance – rapid start-up
The Securifix LT04 forklift call system manages up to 64 call points and 64 forklift trucks, to which any names can be assigned. The system can be installed within a few hours without the laying of cables and is suitable for use in operating areas of any size. Each call point in use acts as a relay station that transmits the „passing“ signals to the nearest call point.Compatibility LT03 / LT04
LT03 systems can only process one call per call point.
Several calls of an LT04 call point cannot be differentiated by LT03.
Priority calls are not recognised in LT03 systems and are handled like normal calls.
Status calls are ignored.
The LT04 forklift control system at a glance

Special functions
The LT04 forklift control system primarily distinguishes itself by its larger range of functions especially its range of communication features.
Detailed analysis data on performance, capacity and cost-effectiveness of the forklift fleet are made available by the monitoring function. Mehr